::Things to Know !
Search engines are the main resources for driving qualified traffic.
Getting listed in a search engine index is not difficult. but getting
that all important top listing is not a really an easy concept . maybe
you've been wondering how your competition manages to do it ?
Simply here We try to explain it to you ! By analyzing how search
engines and directories rank their results, that is what you'll have a
better understanding of what's required to make sure your site gets
into those all important top 20 positions.
Each of the major search engines has its own special formula. We
provide invaluable tips on how to develop, or re-engineer your web site
based on this detailed background material.
The point is that the majority of small businesses spend a considerable
amount of time and money having their Website designed. When it's
completed, they post it to the various search engines like Yahoo! or
AOL and wait for the "hoards" of visitors to come flooding in. In most
cases, this just doesn't happen.
Successful search engine positioning is highly related upon design &
programming that appears on your website, and how all of those issues
are built and organized . If your site is not built in such a way that
search engine spiders can easily read and rank your pages, your online
visibility will be negatively affected.
while search engine technology is continued to change their algorithms
which has designed to used for search result ranking , the top
positions ranking gets more and more sophisticated.